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Cuneiform Input Method For Mac

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  1. Input method free download - Jade Gazebo Chinese Input Method (IME), Bangla Keyboard - English To Bangla Input Method, Malayalam Keyboard - Malayalam Input Method, and many more programs.
  2. Cuneiform was one of the earliest systems of writing, invented by Sumerians in ancient Mesopotamia. It is distinguished by its wedge-shaped marks on clay tablets, made by means of a blunt reed for a stylus. The term cuneiform comes from cuneus, Latin for 'wedge'. Emerging in Sumer in the late fourth millennium BC (the Uruk IV period) to convey the Sumerian language, which was a language.
  3. Use the Input menu: Click the Input menu in the menu bar, then choose a Korean input source. If an input source is dimmed, the current app doesn't support it. You can also press Option-Control-Space bar to select the next input source in the Input menu, or Control-Space bar to select the previous input source.

Unicodefonts for Cuneiform

Input plugin for Mac OS X (designed under Lion) which allows conversion of legitimate transliteration sequences to Unicode cuneiform. Cuneiform font not provided at this time, but is in development.

OldBabylonian (crusive and monumental script), Neo-assyrian, Hittite

I.UnicodeStandard5.0 andCuneiform: generalprinciples and critical notes

II.Cuneiformfonts:Oldbabylonian, Neo-Assyrian, Hittite


SignList and notes


I.UnicodeStandard5.0 andcuneiform

TheUnicodeStandardversion 5.0(July2006, see includesblocks for Cuneiform(12000-1236E)andCuneiformNumbersand Punctuation (12400-12462and12470-12473).

Unicodeis ancomputer standard which assign to each character a unique number(code point), wathever the operating system, the software and thelanguage may be. This standard was developped during the times formany writing systems, but was lacking for Cuneiform script.Initiativefor Cuneiform Encoding(ICE, foundedinBaltimore in2000, aimedto fill this gap.In2006, a finalproposalfor thecuneiform writing system was elaborated by SteveTinney, Michael Everson andKarljürgen Feuerherm(

The assignment of newblocks for Cuneiform has the purpose to give a solution thatnon-Unicode fonts could not provide. Limitedto 256 characters,they do notpermit the encoding of signs in a single font. Two, three, and evenfour fonts were necessary to have the whole set of signs for Oldbabylonian, Hittite or Neo-Assyrian. The encoding itself wasdifferent from one font to antoher. In this point of view, theUnicode proposal for Cuneiform would make easier the encoding and theuse of the fonts. On the whole, the results are more than positiveand weimmediately see the advantages: electronical corpora, lexicographicdatabases, research oncorpus (sorting, occurrences, index.. see

As every innovation, theUnicode Standard 5.0, even if it meets the major needs, gives rise tosome difficulties and problems, which probably would need someimprovements. The main critical review has been done by R. Borger inthe introduction to Listof Neo-Assyrian Cuneiform Signs. A practical and critical guide tothe Unicode blocks «Cuneiform» and «CuneiformNumbers» of Unicode StandardVersion 5.0(,compiledbyM. Studt (D.Bachmann's revised list).See also thearticleUnicodecuneiform (2007, August 24): Wikipedia,The Free Encyclopedia(

The final proposal sets outthe general principles for encoding.

1)Thecharacter inventory is based on the Ur III sign list, compiled by theCuneiformDigital Library Initiative.As said, thisis a first stage in the definition of code points; other stagesshould concern other periods (OldAkkadien, 2334-2154 et Early Dynastic, 2900-2335, Archaic Cuneiform).

As Borger wrote, theproposed list is limited, in the sense that it does not account fordifferent periods and regions using cuneiform writing. Theconsequence is that some signs used by Hittite or even Neo-Assyriando not have code point for Hittite or even for Neo-Assyrian (see thelists). Several code points should be added to get a complete list,concerning all chronological and geographical aspects of cuneiformwriting system.

2)Cuneiformsign and cuneiform characters do not necessarily correspond; complexsigns and compound signs are distinguished (see final proposal, p.7).

°complexsigns are made up of primary sign with one or more secondary signwritten within it or otherwise conjoined to it. The whole is a unit.For example, the single sign KA��is used to form complex sign KAxGU��(whereGU is writteninKA), KAxLI ��..The complexsign being a unit, it has a specific code point, in this example,KA = U12157, KAxGU = U1216B, KAxLI = U12172.

Some signs of Borger's Listin MeZLdo not have code point. These are rare signs, KAxTU,KAxḪAR, LAGABxGI etc.,aboutthirty, fourty signs. Others are attested for Hittite: KAxÀŠ,KAxÚR, KAxGAG, KAxGIŠ, KAxPA, KAxLUM, SIxSÁ, EZENxŠE,AMARxKU6,ÁBxA, KISIM5xÚ-MAŠ.

°compoundsigns are made of two or more signs organized in linear sequences.Each sign exists in other respects as singlecharacter. The whole is generally viewed as a unit, but eachcomponent will be separately encoded.For example:IDIGNA, composedofMAŠ+GÚ+GÀR, codepointsU12226+U12118+U120FC������. Word for mac the document could not be saved as pdf compatibility mode.

The UnicodeStandard 5.0list ofCuneiform signs is arranged according to the latin alphabet and givesan 'etymological' description of the signs (simple, complexand compound, see Cuneiform Unicode, Wikipedia).

This list, Borger says,'introduces new set on conventional readings, without offeringany explanation', instead of known and generally usedconventional readings in Assyriology. The aim is to describe the sign(Cuneiform sign A, Cuneiform sign KA times LI, etc.),but the use often is not practical (we have to know that GIR =ḪAgûnu,AMAŠ =DAG KISIM5 times LU + plus MASH2).The mostcritically point of view about this new way deals with the signanalysis on the one hand, and the sometimes laborious useof code points. The 'splittability' of some signs actuallyseems arbitrary and could be discussed ; see for exampleBorger, MeZL,n° 754 MEŠ, whichhas to be decomposedME+U+U+U(ME = U12228;U+U+U = U1230D) orn° 459 DUL splittedU+TÚG (U1230B+U12306) accordingto theUnicodeStandard;but accordingto Borger, these signs are not really 'splittable'. Inother cases, it will be necessary to combine one, two,or three code points:U12226+U12118+U120FCforIDIGNA, U12263+U121EC forTÙR (NUN-LAGAR), etc. Ligaturesare in theory impossible, unless another font is made, which containsthe needed variants (that could be absolutely artificial, see, forHittite, notes with the sign lists). For Old babylonian andNeo-Assyrian sign NIGIN(MeZL,n°804) = LAGAB-LAGAB (U121B8+ U121B8), weget����,without thepossibility of a real ligature.

Inother cases, the split of signs is difficult, like for Hittite, whichuses signs based on an Old Babylonian cursive from North Syria(E. Neu - C. Rüster, HethitischesZeichenlexikon,Wiesbaden, 1989). Thesign IDIGNA,as used inHittite syllabary, is not splittable in practice:U12226+U12118+U120FCgives������,not very likethe 'real' sign������.For this kindof compound sign, we have made the resolution to isolate artificiallyeach component, that means to designvariant for MAŠ, for GÚ, for GÀR, which permit to getthe final sign. This kind of variant is pointed out in the footnotesin the sign list. The use of automatical text will also permit to getround this problem (see below).

II. Cuneiform fonts:Old babylonian, neo-assyrian, hittite

The Unicode Cuneiform fonts(TTF) have been designed by Sylvie Vanséveren.

- Santakku: OldBabylonian, cursive script

- SantakkuM: OldBabylonian, momumental script (Hammurabi)

- Assurbanipal:Neo-Assyrian

- Ullikummi (A, B, C):Hittite.

They are freely availablefor the scientific community. They can not be altered or solded.

Fonts installation

°MacOSX: put the fontsinto User/Library/Fonts.

°Windows (XP):

click on Start, thenConfigure settings

click on Fonts: the fontfolder opens

two ways for adding fontsin Windows:

- direct copy of fonts inthe font folder

- click on File menu in thefont window and choose Install new font. Select the font in the Listof fonts. Click on OK.

Sign List and notes

Each sign list contains thefollowing:

- MeZL numbering

- Unicode code point

- sign (conventionalreading and Unicode description)

- sign in the font (andvariant for Hittite)

- autotext

Explanationnotes and remarks in each list concernsome specific problem about a sign, about the split of signs, andabout the necessaryvariants for composing complex and compound signs (almost forHittite).

Automatic Text

Once theencoding is made, it remains to use the fonts in concrete terms, thatis to write in cuneiform. It always is possible to access to thesigns via the Character Palette in Mac OSX orvia the Special Character menu in text editor, but this method islaborious and tedious, since there is necessary to know the signs, orrecognize them, or to know the code point of each specific sign. Inorder to make things easier, one can use automatic text.

Automatictext insertion is possible in text editors like Word and Nisus WriterPro. File templates are given here for Word and Nisus.Eachtemplate can be modified by the user, who can add, modify or deleteentries.

NB.Neo-et OpenOffice(Mac et PC) do not seem to correctly embed the fonts (nor via specialcharacter insertion, neither via Character Palette in OSX). Othertext editor (like Mellel for Mac) do not offer autotext.

Theprinciple consists in associating an automatic text entry with asign, or group of signs. It is so possible to write in Cuneiformwithout having to know the code point of the signs. In order to dothat, some latin characters are encoded in the fonts (characters fromthe Cuneitruetype font with kind permission of Prof. DominiqueCharpin).

So typing for example theentry 'ma', and then select automatic insertion (viaInsertion menu or keyboard shortcut, see below), we obtain the sign(U12220)





In thesame way, the entry 'lugal' will give (U12217)






Forcompound signs, made of two or more signs in linear sequence, foreach of which one code point is assigned,the principle permits to associate the signs:

'mac'(MAŠ)U12226 ����

'gu2'(GÚ)U12118 ����

'gar3'(GÀR)U120FC ����

'idigna' ������(Assurbanipal)


NB.Only one template is proposed here for Old Babylonian andNeo-Assyrian (; the automatic entries arethe same. Since Hittite regularly has other values for the signs,another template ( contains the insertions based on theHittite values.

Variantsare marked with 'v' or 'vv' after the entry

Assurbanipal:me3 ��me3v��

Ullikummi:mah �� mahv�� mahvv��


For more informations, seeWord Help, or,


°MacOSX:ApplicationsfolderMicrosoft Office Templates (or in the folder My templates)

°Windows (XP):C:WindowsDocuments and SettingsUserApplicationDataMicrosoftTemplates (hidden folder by default).

- Choosetemplate viaLibrary projects.

Use of autotext

There is two different waysto proceed:

- Insertionmenu →Automatic Insertion. A rolled list gives the different insertions.

- Keyboard shortcut forautomatic insertion.

To access to the dialog boxfor defining entry of automatic text:

-Insertion menu→automaticinsertion (top of the rolled list)

- orclick on button 'automatic insertion'

- orvia Tools menu →automatic correction

To define a keyboardshortcut for the command automatic insertion:

Toolsmenu →Customize keyboard

In the dialog box, selecton the left All the commands

SelectAutomaticInsertion and choose a keyboard shortcut.

To access to the button 'automatic insertion '

Tools menu →Customize toolbar

Drag the button on atoolbar (Standard toolbar for example).


In Nisus Writer Pro,automatic text is linked with a glossary. A glossary, when loaded, isavailable for all documents, whatever template is used. The Cuneiformglossary is a file with cuneiform signs and associated entries. Formore informations, see the NWP guide.




the glossary can beimported via Preferences →Quickfix →Importglossary (choose Cuneiform.ngloss).

Use of glossary

enter the text entry

entries are expand in Editmenu →expandglossary entries

glossary entries can alsobe expanded manually with a combination key (⌘D)

you can also choose'Automatic expansion of glossary entries as you type' inPreferences →Quickfix

To add, delete, or modifyglossary entries, open Cuneiform.ngloss and proceed. Each entry mustbe separated by a Glossary entry break (Insert menu). Save the file.

Cuneiform Input Method For Machinery








Forcompound signs, made of two or more signs in linear sequence, foreach of which one code point is assigned,the principle permits to associate the signs:

'mac'(MAŠ)U12226 ����

'gu2'(GÚ)U12118 ����

'gar3'(GÀR)U120FC ����

'idigna' ������(Assurbanipal)


NB.Only one template is proposed here for Old Babylonian andNeo-Assyrian (; the automatic entries arethe same. Since Hittite regularly has other values for the signs,another template ( contains the insertions based on theHittite values.

Variantsare marked with 'v' or 'vv' after the entry

Assurbanipal:me3 ��me3v��

Ullikummi:mah �� mahv�� mahvv��


For more informations, seeWord Help, or,


°MacOSX:ApplicationsfolderMicrosoft Office Templates (or in the folder My templates)

°Windows (XP):C:WindowsDocuments and SettingsUserApplicationDataMicrosoftTemplates (hidden folder by default).

- Choosetemplate viaLibrary projects.

Use of autotext

There is two different waysto proceed:

- Insertionmenu →Automatic Insertion. A rolled list gives the different insertions.

- Keyboard shortcut forautomatic insertion.

To access to the dialog boxfor defining entry of automatic text:

-Insertion menu→automaticinsertion (top of the rolled list)

- orclick on button 'automatic insertion'

- orvia Tools menu →automatic correction

To define a keyboardshortcut for the command automatic insertion:

Toolsmenu →Customize keyboard

In the dialog box, selecton the left All the commands

SelectAutomaticInsertion and choose a keyboard shortcut.

To access to the button 'automatic insertion '

Tools menu →Customize toolbar

Drag the button on atoolbar (Standard toolbar for example).


In Nisus Writer Pro,automatic text is linked with a glossary. A glossary, when loaded, isavailable for all documents, whatever template is used. The Cuneiformglossary is a file with cuneiform signs and associated entries. Formore informations, see the NWP guide.




the glossary can beimported via Preferences →Quickfix →Importglossary (choose Cuneiform.ngloss).

Use of glossary

enter the text entry

entries are expand in Editmenu →expandglossary entries

glossary entries can alsobe expanded manually with a combination key (⌘D)

you can also choose'Automatic expansion of glossary entries as you type' inPreferences →Quickfix

To add, delete, or modifyglossary entries, open Cuneiform.ngloss and proceed. Each entry mustbe separated by a Glossary entry break (Insert menu). Save the file.

Cuneiform Input Method For Machinery



UniversitéLibre de Bruxelles

Cuneiform Input Method For Mac Operating System

I developed a fully functional Chinese Input method application, for Mac OS X, which is based on Mac OS X 10.5 Input Method Kit Framework, following Apple's NumberInput_IMKit_Sample:

After I submitted it to Mac OS appStore, it was rejected, since Input Method application is background only application, it does not have user interface.

How can I submit Input Method application (background only application) to Mac OS appStore?

Cuneiform Input Method For Mac Os


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